A vote on the application for IFORS membership of The Russian Operational Research Society (RuORS)

Requirement For Membership
Relevant Provisions of The Russian Operational Research Society (RuORS)
A society applying for membership in the Federation shall provide the Secretary with a copy of its constitution or charter and its bylaws.  If the following matters are not stated explicitly in them, the society shall provide the Secretary with a statement giving: 1.GENERAL BY-LAWS

  • Russian Operational Research Society (RuORS) is a voluntary non-profit public organization located in Russia.The name of the Society: in Russian – Российское общество исследования операций (РосОИО); in English – Russian Operational Research Society (RuORS). RuORS is the international branch of RSORS including all the researchers interested in international communication and cooperation.
  • Legal address: Pushkinskaya 11, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, 185910, Russia.
  • Telephone: (78142) 781108
  • Fax: (78142) 766313
  • E-mail: ruors@krc.karelia.ru
  • Website: http://ruors.krc.karelia.ru
  • The society RuORS units the experts in the field of Operational Research and will be ruled and regulated by the present Statutes in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation and the Russian Federation recognized norm of the International Laws.
1.The objectives of the society; The purposes of the association include:

•  To encourage theoretical and applied research in the field of operations research, to promote the information about the achievements of operations research through conferences, workshops, magazines, books, email, and web

•  To promote the international connections and gaining the prestige of the Russian scientists and experts, which work in the field of Operational Research

•  To maintain rights and interests of its members

In order to attain the purposes above, the activities of RuORS include:

•  Promotion the establishment of international contacts and stimulate further advancement of academic links and free exchange of experience between its members and of other similar scientific and professional societies

•  Organizing the conferences, seminars, symposiums, exhibitions, meetings in the field of operational research

•  Propagation of the achievements in the field of Operational Research by means of lectures, publishing books and articles, creating popular scientific programs using mass media

•  Editorial activities in publishing the scientific, popular scientific literature, handbooks, specialized newspapers, bulletins and magazines in the field of Operational Research

•  Encouraging the teaching of Operational Research

•  Keeping up-to-date information about the subjects related to the Society, in order to attain its scientific purposes and to maintain rights and interests of its members

2. Confirmation that membership in the society is based on such scientific and professional qualifications as it has laid down, and that membership and its privileges are in no way restricted by race, religion, color, national origin, sex, or political preference;



Rights of the founding and active members:

•  Every person who has a scientific, educational or practical interest in Operational Research and works for carrying out the goals and objectives of the RuORS may be a member of the Society.

•  With the sole exception of the founding members, all applications for admission to the RuORS must be presented in written form to the Directive Board.

•  A decision on the membership is accepted by the majority at an annual session of General Assembly. The majority is considered respectively to the number of RuORS members who took part in voting on the nomination. An absentee participating in the Assembly and voting by e-mail are allowed.

•  The RuORS members should pay registration and annual membership fee.

•  To withdraw from the RuORS the member should present an application in written form for exclusion him/her from the list of the Society members.

•  The RuORS members have the rights:

-To elect and to be elected in elective bodies of RuORS

-To integrate the General Assembly with the right to speak and vote

-To formulate the proposals on RuORS activities to the elective bodies and to participate in their discussions with the right of a consultative vote

-To participate in the RuORS Directive Board sessions and the General Assembly

-To use scientific, tutorial and information materials of RuORS

-To participate in the conferences, congresses, seminars, symposiums, schools on behalf of RuORS

-To withdraw from the RuORS.

•  The members of RuORS are obliged:

-To carry out by-laws of the present Statutes

-To pay regularly the membership fee

-To make known to the directive Board his/her valid contact information for keeping in touch with the members of the Society.

A member of RuORS may be withdrawn from the Society for the activity which contradicts to the Statutes. A member may be expelled if:

a) the member have not timely paid dues (the registration and membership fees) during the two annual balance year

b) the member have not taken part in any meeting of the RuORS during the 3 last years.

T he decision on a withdrawal from RuORS is accepted by the majority of votes on a session of General Assembly.

•  In a case of withdraw, the membership fees are not returned to the former member.

3. The names and addresses of the officers and the persons composing the governing body together with their tenures; Executive Members

Vladimir Mazalov, President
Tel: +7(8142) 781108
E-mail: vlmazalov@yandex.ru
Address: Pushkinskaya str., 11, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, 185910, Russian Federation

Anna Rettieva, Secretary
Tel: +7(8142) 783470
E-mail: annaret@krc.karelia.ru
Address: Pushkinskaya str., 11, Petrozavodsk, Karelia, 185910, Russian Federation

Kostyuk Felix, Treasurer
Tel: +7(499) 1356159
E-mail: fil@ccas.ru
Address: Vavilov st. 40, 119333 Moscow, Russia

4. The procedures for electing officers and members of the governing body; Elections

  • The General Assembly:

– Elects a Directive Board, a president, vice-presidents and members of an Auditing Commission for the period of three years.

  • The Directive Board:
  • Elects a Directive Board, a President, Vice-Presidents and members by secret voting for the period of three years.
  • Auditing Commission of RuORS is an inspecting and auditing body. The work of Auditing Commission is supervised by its chairman. The session of Auditing Commission is competent if there are present no less than two thirds of its members. A decision of a commission is accepted, if the majority has voted for it.
  • The members of the Auditing Commission will be elected by the General Assembly for the period of three years.
5. The qualifications for membership, the dues, entrance fees, and any other details affecting membership; and Classif ication of Membership :

  • Founding Members
  • Regular Members
    • The RuORS members should pay registration and annual membership fee
    • A member of RuORS may be withdrawn from the Society for the activity which contradicts to the Statutes. A member may be expelled if:
    • •  the member have not timely paid dues (the registration and membership fees) during the two annual balance year

•  The member have not taken part in any meeting of the RuORS during the 3 last years.

      • In a case of withdraw, the membership fees are not returned to the former member.
      • The Directive Board:

– Determines the registration and membership fees

6. Provisions for meetings and publications
  • The activities of RuORS include:

– Organizing the conferences, seminars, symposiums, exhibitions, meetings in the field of operational research;

B. A society may apply for Membership in the Federation only if no Member already exists in its country.  This provision does not apply to Kindred Societies or to Kindred Society membership in various countries. IFORS Comment :

There is no existing member society in Russia.