19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies

Call for Papers 19th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies 10th  15th July, 2011 Melbourne, Australia World OR: Global Economy and Sustainable Environment Recent natural catastrophes and man-made crises have underscored the inter-connectedness of our world. Any upheaval leads to momentous reverberations across the globe with impacts well into the future. […]

Organizing OR Societies: Obstacles and Enablers

Like all professionals, OR workers gain a lot from membership in a grouping where they can share their knowledge and benefit from the experiences and expertise of others. This is the reason why national Operations Research communities play a very important role in ensuring the continued health and development of the discipline within a geographical area.

XV ELAVIO (Escuela Latina Americana de Verano en Investigación Operativa)

The XV ELAVIO will be in August from 2nd to 6th, 2010 on Luis Pimenta Cine Theater, at Pacoti/CE county (Guaramiranga Sierra). The event is being organized by State University of Ceara (Professional Master in Applied Computing UECE-IFECT/CE, UECE Academic Master in Computer Science), Federal University of Ceara (Statistics and Applied Mathematics Department), Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (Production Department), and Federal University of Alagoas (Master in Computational Knowledge Modeling).