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    <allpages gapcontinue="Regional_Studies_Annual_Lecture_2021:_&quot;Infrastructural_Optimism:_Case_Studies_for_Systems-based_Urban_Design&quot;" />
      <page pageid="486" ns="0" title="Real Estate and Regional Studies : Virtual Special Issue of Regional Studies">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">The purpose of this virtual special issue of Regional Studies is to survey some of the key trading zones between regional studies and real estate research.

By drawing together real estate-focused research previously published in the journal, this virtual special issue clarifies the past scope and reflects on the future potential of dialogues between both fields, which to date have broadly come in four different forms:

- regional variation, change and dynamics through the lens of real estate

- how real estate dynamics intersect with other regional processes such as mobility, labour markets and so on

- the regionalisation transpiring out of real estate dynamics

- advancements to our formative understanding of real estate dynamics

link to website:

link to full editorial:;utm_medium=cms&amp;utm_campaign=JQC19033

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[[Category: General Articles]]</rev>
      <page pageid="467" ns="0" title="Regional Studies, Regional Science Annual Lecture 2021: &quot;Urban Mobility and Street Network Science”">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">'''Speaker:''' Geoff Boeing, University of Southern California, USA

'''Chair:''' Franziska Sielker University of Cambridge, UK

Transportation networks underpin urban mobility. In turn, spatial network analysis has emerged as an important frontier in urban informatics as more data are collected about transportation networks’ form and utilization. However, the tools to model and analyze these networks are too often inaccessible, atheoretical, or otherwise limiting. This talk discusses some of the foundations and recent trends in this field, highlighting the growing connections between urban data science, network science, and transportation planning. It argues for open-source software and reusable computational data science as keys to both link and advance these disciplines for better science and practice.

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[[Category: Community OR]]</rev>