Garrett Van Ryzin


June 2010

Buenos Aires, Argentina


Using consumer choice models as a basis for revenue management (RM) is appealing on many levels. Choice models can naturally model important buy-up and diversion phenomenon and can be applied to newer, undifferentiated low-fare structures and dynamic pricing problems.And recent research advances have now brought choice-based RM within striking distance of being truly practical. In this talk, we survey the recent research results in this area and discuss their implications for RM research and practice.


Using consumer choice models as a basis for revenue management (RM) is appealing on many levels. Choice models can naturally model important buy-up and diversion phenomenon and can be applied to newer, undifferentiated low-fare structures and dynamic pricing problems.And recent research advances have now brought choice-based RM within striking distance of being truly practical. In this talk, we survey the recent research results in this area and discuss their implications for RM research and practice.

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