MIPLIB 2017: Call for Contributions to the 6th Mixed Integer Programming Library

Since its first release in 1992, MIPLIB has become a standard test set used to compare the performance of mixed integer linear optimization software and to evaluate the computational performance of newly developed algorithms and solution techniques. It has been a crucial driver for the impressive progress we have seen over the last decades.

Six years have passed since the last update in 2010. Again, the progress in state-of-the-art optimizers and improvements in computing machinery have made several instances too easy to be of further interest. New challenges are needed!

MIPLIB2017 will be the sixth edition of the Mixed Integer Programming LIBrary. To continue the diversity and quality standards of the previous editions, we are looking for interesting and challenging (mixed-)integer linear problems from all fields of Operations Research and Combinatorial Optimization, ideally ones which have been built to model real-world problems.

For the first time, we will also collect model files and data and make them available as supplement to the raw instance format. Though this is an optional add-on, we highly encourage model submissions in order to provide researchers with richer information on the instances.

You can contribute now and help shape the future of mixed integer programming by submitting your instances at https://miplibsubmissions.zib.de/

The submission deadline is February 28, 2017

We are looking forward to your contributions!

On behalf of MIPLIB 2017: an initiative by Arizona State University,
Zuse Institute Berlin.